Eagle Pose or Garudasana is a balancing pose. Garudasana (gah-rue-DAHS-anna) comes from 2 root words “garuda”, the mythic king of birds and “asana” meaning pose or simply “eagle pose” for us English speakers.
Like most balancing poses, we practice to center ourselves both physically and mentally. Flesh and bone balance as well as our nerve impulses, thoughts and emotions, allowing us to become calm. Equilibrium brings equanimity.
Equilibrium in balancing poses bring equanimity.
One-legged balancing poses could be frustrating when it’s difficult to get into the pose and hold it for 6-8 breaths. By harnessing deep inhales and slow exhales, we allow ourselves to relax into this challenging pose.
With frequent practice, balancing poses promote many benefits. Physically, we learn alignment and balance while strengthening our muscles. This improves the way we stand, walk and do many everyday activities. As we get older, it helps avoid fatal falls. Mentally, we improve our concentration and create calmness in mind and spirit.
Have a great practice! Namaste!